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An encyclopedia is a collection of information on a variety of subjects. Use the online encyclopedias below to gather basic information about a topic
Almanacs & Fact Books
Almanacs are publications containing statistical, tabular, and general information.
A Factbook is a publication containing facts organized in a systematic way. |
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Library Hours
The library will be open Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. (Except on Tuesdays when the library will close @ 3:30.)
Daily Almanac
Find out what is so special about today!
Census Bureau: Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Compilation of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the U.S.
Fed StatsEasy access to official statistical information from numerous federal agencies.
World Reference DeskThe Writer's Almanac
DisasteriumNatural and Man Made Disasters
World Factbook
Country-specific information compiled by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Guinness World Records
Check out who hold the world records for almost everything you can imagine.
Farmer's Almanac
Since 1792. Tide tables, sunrise times, weather forecasts, etc.
Infoplease AlmanacComprehensive collection of statistics on arts, business, sports and more